EP114 – Hello Genius: Till Janczukowicz, Founder

This is the first time I get to say ‘welcome back’ on Hitting The Mark as I had Till Janczukowicz, the founder of Berlin-based IDAGIO, which is often described as ‘the Spotify for classical music,’ on episode 21.
But this is not a Let’s catch up with Till episode to check in on IDAGIO. Instead, I recently saw that he is preparing for an exciting brand launch that features none other than John Malkovich to kick things off.
The idea? Spend a month with John. Hello Genius is the brand’s name, and it fosters a whole new level of mentorship, access, and community.
On this episode, Till shares his vision for the brand in his typical intellectually stimulating and curiosity-evoking manner.
Fabian Geyrhalter:
This is the very first time I get to say welcome back on Hitting the Mark as I had Till Janczukowicz, the founder of Berlin based IDAGIO, which is often described as being the Spotify for classical music on episode 21, but this is not a let’s catch up with Till episode to check in on IDAGIO. Instead, I recently saw that he’s preparing for a super exciting brand launch that features none other than John Malkovich to kick things off. The idea, spend a month with John. Hello Genius is the name of the brand and it fosters a whole new level of mentorship and access and community and today Till shares his vision for the brand in his usually intellectually stimulating and curiosity evoking manner. This first episode of 2025 is one that will inspire you guaranteed. If you seek another type of mentorship community, one where you get access to myself, not John, but me, and a tight-knit group of other creatives and entrepreneurs that are curious about brand building, positioning and creating brand love. Do your part this year to keep this show advertising free and join the HittingtheMarkCircle.com by going to Hittingthemarkcircle.com. And now over to another level of mentorship circle entirely. Let’s say Hello Genius to Till.
Till Janczukowicz:
Hi Fabian, great to be here.
Fabian Geyrhalter:
Hey, this is the very first time I get to say welcome back on Hitting the Mark as I had you on episode 21 where we talked about how you built the IDAGIO brand, which was considered the Spotify for classical music. And when I say Spotify, I mean the mechanism streaming digital music, not a brand that is as hated as Spotify because IDAGIO is widely loved. But this is not a let’s catch up with Till episode to check in on IDAGIO. Instead. I recently saw that you’re preparing for an exciting brand launch that features none other than John Malkovich to kick things off. Tell us about Hello Genius. What is it? How did it come about? How are you building the brand? Let’s jump into it.
Till Janczukowicz:
Yeah, pleasure. You mentioned IDAGIO and I’ve been spending all my life in the arts world and the talent world, talent management, and this is I think something which I consider a privilege. Great fun because I was always interested in people who could do stuff that fascinated me and I wanted to meet these people. When I was a young pianist, I wanted to interview the biggest pianist on earth. And when I was 25 I had interviewed Sviatoslav Richter and Alfred Brendel and Murray Perahia and Christian Zimmerman and so on. I always wanted to get close to these people because I’m always curious is how do they do this? And this is probably how I became an artist manager over the years and I am a passionate chef as well. There’s some people who say, had I opened a restaurant, it wouldn’t have been that bad probably. And I was always curious in how people who can do extraordinary stuff, how they do it.
And I did it in the artist world. And when I was running IDAGIO or I came across a series that was probably coming from the Bay area, of course building a second brain with a guy called Tiago Forta and another course called Rite of Passage, an online writing course. And okay, that’s interesting. I participated in it and those were kind of professional development courses that happened as a cohort. So cohort means you have four or five dates a month, 90 minutes, and you have people coming together online at the same time from all parts over the world. So you saw me getting up two o’clock in the night in Berlin to join the court of people basically, I don’t know, in Houston, in Montana, wherever. And everybody was passionate about this very area that was being discussed. And I said, wow, that’s interesting because there was a community platform, you got assignments, you learned something, you went through a transformation, you had a great mentor, and at the same time you met like-minded people online.
And that was a super engaging experience. And what I then did, I said, okay, it’s very similar to what is happening in the arts world. We have pre-concert talks, post concert conversations, and I called a friend of mine who is an American singer, a barton Thomas Sampson, one of the greatest singers we have. And Tom, I participated in something extraordinary. You recorded this stellar recording of the songs of Gustav Manah with the Vienna Philharmonic conducted Bena Bernstein, and let’s Do Aah months with Tom Hanson. I said, sure, okay, why not? So we kicked it off on iDao and we announced a month for Sundays, 90 minutes people could participate from all over the world could dial in, and we had guests. So the first week we had Marina Mahler who was a granddaughter of Gustav Mahler,
And the second week there was Jamie Bernstein, the daughter of Leonard Bernstein. And the third week we had the president of the Gustav Mahler Society, New York and so on and so on. And I was a super traction because what happened was after the second week we got emails from people who said, oh, can you open the meeting room already an hour before we would like to meet? And we did it quick and dirty with Zoom, but they said, can you open this? We want to meet. And the third week we got emails from them and said, oh, can you share the list of participants because this course is going to be over next week. But we shared the list of participants and then when it was over, they sent us emails and said, well, I don’t know what to do next Sunday. I am missing my family, I’m missing my peers.
This was super engaging and as a manager I was always interested in artist monetization opportunities. And clearly I had found something where you can probably monetize the skills and the fame and the attractiveness of being great at whatever you do as an artist and as a creator. But at the same time, it was something I thought, wow, it’s not about classical music, it’s about humans. We as humans, we are the moment, we have a passion and the moment we engage in something, we have the possibility to meet role models, great artists, and to interact about stuff. We adore to interact about our passions and to even meet like-minded people from all over the world who share the same passion, that’s something very unique and something very special. So that’s how it all came about. And what I then did as a certain point, I reached out to the two guys who were kind of operating the courses I participated in, and they recently became co-founders of Hello Genius.
Another interesting story, the other co-founder is a German guy called Tom Mele. And Tom has been for six years a manager of cart. And then for 10 years he was CEO of Louis Vuitton in the United Kingdom. And he’s coming from the luxury industry. And I said, Till when we met, this is exciting because this is new luxury because in the luxury industry, especially in the new generations now coming up, it’s not so much about ownership anymore, it’s about experiences, it’s about purpose, it’s about connection. And what we are doing with Hello Genius, John Malkovich, we are really giving the opportunity to let’s say cultural social players to share their wisdom. And I’m a big believer in this principle, again, which comes from music where you have a great artist who’s passing on his knowledge to a young student, to somebody who needs inspiration. And it is not the college teaching what you learn. This is one thing you study for 3, 4, 5 years, you learn an academical way, techniques and so on and so on. But once or twice or three times a year as a young student, you need vitamins, you need inspiration. And I, as a manager from early on, I could experience to what extent it inspired me to meet, I don’t know, a conductor like Ricardo Moody who is currently the music director of the Chicago Symphony
When he’s rehearsing Verre to be in the rehearsal, not go to the concert, go to the rehearsal behind the scene, what is he telling the musicians? How are they working? And the same applies to actors, the same applies to athletes. How are they training and so on and so on. And this is actually what we want to do at Hello Genius is a kind of mentoring platform where we give people access to let’s say the creative engine of the great minds of our time across verticals, basically an art and design in fashion, in culinary arts, in sports and so on. And so not so much technology, not so much AI, it’s it’s not an AI thing. I would call it an HI thing, not the artificial intelligence. It’s the human intelligence that we are trying to expose you. So we don’t use technology to replace human beings. We use technology to connect real human beings with each other.
Fabian Geyrhalter:
I really love that. And you just told us so much about the entire philosophy and how this Hello Genius brand will work. But let’s talk about the really simple proposition which is spend a month with John. That is a remarkable invitation and an immediate differentiation from the many competitors in the thought leader space and the mentorship space and the core space because it is a very, very crowded marketplace. The question lies in the room. How did you get John to not only pick up the call, but to go fully in and create numerous very charming videos and his typical style and really support the launch of this brand so much? I mean it truly is something that every founder would dream of having people like him to really who endorse this. How did he sign up for that? How did he say what you’re doing is really exciting? Sign me up.
Till Janczukowicz:
Yeah, there are multiple factors. As you know, he does a lot also in the music space and the classic music space. And we have common friends in Vienna, in Austria who did put us in touch. But the nice thing is John is an IDAGIO user, so he’s using IDAGIO to listen to classic. So that’s one of the aspects. And then we met in Luxembourg I think one and a half years ago, and we spoke about the concept and about how you gain knowledge and how you develop as a young man and as a young person, how you cope with obstacles and so on and so on. And immediately we embarked on a fascinating conversation where it was all around how you grow, how you deep dive into things. And there were highly interesting things he said. I mean, for example, one thing he shared in the very first conversation was, I don’t see a point in doing anything that you don’t like.
This is something you can’t afford to say if you’re an artist, but probably everybody could afford to say this if everybody would have the courage to do it. And I think this is something that gives you a lot of confidence. And I’ve since spoken just today, I had lunch with a young movie director here in Berlin who met John some years ago in Munich in the Q&A. And he said, it’s so, how you say in English? I think consolidating, if you understand, okay, you are not alone with your struggles when you are young and it’s okay to fail.
Fabian Geyrhalter:
Till Janczukowicz:
And I like to compare it with what you do when you manage a conductor. When you manage a conductor of a symphony orchestra, you send him to the province, you send him to places where he can fail, where she can fail,
You need to train somewhere. And it is okay to make mistakes, but you learn from them and you have the possibility to do it again and again and again. And you can fall down a hundred times, but as long as you get up 101 times. And I think all this entire complex of getting personal encouragement from personalities that you adore and what I’ve been thinking about a lot, it’s not about meeting a celebrity. It’s not about the fame. It’s rather the attitude and the way they’re conducting their work, their curiosity, all these attributes that make them successful. They don’t care about the success, they care about the process. They care about getting better. And this is what at the very end lets you in some cases become very good and lets you grow into somebody who people may call a genius, but it’s not about this. It’s about really being passionate about what you are doing. This is, we had very, very interesting discussions and John shared a lot of, and we are speaking basically about theaters, about actors, about pieces and topics he loves. That’s a kind of discussion. And this is something what I think makes a lot of, creates a lot of attractiveness of this model.
Fabian Geyrhalter:
No, absolutely. And I mean you start with a bang, you’ve got John Malkovich, right? Here’s Hello Genius, boom, right? But you will likely not have hundreds of John malkovich on your show, which is a really good pun. But how does your rollout model look like? You talked about it will be people from all kinds of different fields, right? Most probably even experts in lesser known fields. How do you stagger it out? What is your vision of who will become a part of that Hello Genius community? Who are the drivers, who are the leaders, who are the mentors?
Till Janczukowicz:
So what we have, we have curators in certain verticals. We’re in conversation with highly interesting personalities. One person I can talk about, because he’s already on our website, which is Simon DePuy, the legendary auctioneer who was for 10 years, the chief auctioneer of Sotheby’s, probably globally known as one of the leading figures, contemporary arts. And when Simon and I met and we spoke about the idea, he said, til this is amazing. I love to come in because I’m in the arts bubble. You are coming from the classic music bubble and there is a soccer bubble and there is a wine bubble, but all this is culture and you are bringing this together. I like to be part of it.
Fabian Geyrhalter:
I love that.
I really, really love that. And that philosophy of being in a bubble and actually getting excited to burst out of it into the fields of anyone who is interested intellectually or culturally or on their own life path to get a piece of that. I mean, I can just imagine what you can learn from someone like him versus someone like John Malkovich. And in the end, they’re all in very parallel universes and there’s something you can take away from all of these people, but how to run an auction and the philosophy, the strategy, extremely fascinating most probably to people who never gave it a thought in their life and suddenly they see this offering and they’re like, how could I use this? Running a company as a CEO, how could I use this when whatever you go through in life, really interesting. So let’s actually go back to something that you touched on very early on because it is really important to you, which is community, right? So that’s kind of like how everything got started with IDAGIO was suddenly everyone saying, Hey, but hold on, there was a community you’re building. Are you aware of that? Can we have more of that? To me, community and brand building go hand in hand. If you get one right, you can count on the other. Even here with this show, I have a super small community of listeners that turned Hitting the Mark into actually a mentorship community. So People benefit from my advice because I’ve been through it for decades and I just very transparently tell them about it. But also other members advise and they start meeting on their own and they start having coffee and exactly what you talked about is happening with my Hitting the Mark circle. So in a way that circle, these people actually keep this show alive because they have dues every month and those dues pay for the show. So instead of having advertising, I have community. How do you see the power of community with the brand you’re now building? How will it work where these people that get to know each other throughout these cohorts, even though it is about hearing from John Malkovich, there’s so much more. How do they stay in touch? How do you build this out? Do you have a vision for that? Obviously you do.
Till Janczukowicz:
Absolutely true. I think the first thing is about the definition of a community. You see a lot of brands or institutions say, join our community of 4 million email subscribers, 4 million email subscribers are in the community. I think for me, the definition of a community is there are people who for intrinsic reasons do care about each other, people who care about each other. So it’s not a one-way relationship. You are our customer and we are your brand. It goes both ways and it goes multiple ways. It’s also in between the participants and to be very concrete what’s going to happen with John, we have spoken about books that influenced him and what every participant is getting prior to the course is a book. I shouldn’t say that because it’s a surprise, but no, now I’ve said it.
Fabian Geyrhalter:
There you go. You heard it here first.
Till Janczukowicz:
Everybody will get a book and it’s a book that was for some reasons very decisive for John’s development. And then the book comes with a little letter and says, that was very important to me for this and this reason. Happy reading, looking forward to meeting you sincerely, John. So what happens? What does it do? First of all, it connects the digital world with the physical world, you get something tangible prior to the course. So it’s an experience which is already multi-dimensional in spite of the fact that you have the experience from home. That’s the first thing. What then happens, we through different stories, we are going through different plots, we are going through films, movies, and were important to John and you can deep dive into any movie and you can apply assignments. This is what happened to this protagonist here. Can you imagine? And do you remember situation where something like what happened to this protagonist here to you in your life, have a discussion and then we make a breakout role and people are together for 10 minutes and then they’re discussing. So we are using the creative inspiration coming from John to build also interactivity and interaction between the participants. And this is something which has happened during the courses, but it’s also in between the courses. So there will be additional sessions, there will be homework, a community platform where you can post yourself and so on and so on. So on multiple levels we are fostering the community.
Fabian Geyrhalter:
And I guess the big question is how do you charge? Do you charge by the specific course? Do you call it a course or is it yearly memberships? How does it work?
Till Janczukowicz:
No, we call it a month. It’s a month with John. Okay, it’s a month with John Malkovich and it’s not a subscription model, it’s a one time payment.
Fabian Geyrhalter:
And then all these people that got to know each other very much like with IDAGIO where they’re like, Hey, we still want to stay in touch, do you foster this as a brand somehow or do the rooms stay open for them?
Till Janczukowicz:
Yes, no, we do even more than we did at IDAGIO. There is a community platform, people have their profiles, people can stay in touch and the moment you are accepted to the course, you are also a member. And what we are going to do, we will kick off yearly membership events happening in the physical world where we are bringing participants from courses from different verticals together. So it doesn’t matter if you have participated, I dunno, in a course with a famous chef or with an actor or with a humanitarian or a writer or an athlete, we are going to offer this high-end events where we are also having some of our mentors being present, very small events, a couple of hundred people, not more to really enable interaction and conversation also within the group.
Fabian Geyrhalter:
But that’s genius, if I may call it genius, that’s genius because basically you keep the community alive and then you still have ways to monetize off of them ,aka, giving them opportunities to join these events. So where’s this? Most other communities when the show’s over the community’s gone, but there’s this opportunity for them to keep being engaged and for you to keep growing, growing, like you said, define community. And this is then a real community because they care about each other really, really great. Since I already let the genius words slide again, let’s talk about the name a little bit. Are some of the “geniuses” under parenthesis that you invite to become the next host or guests or mentors? Are they sometimes taking aback by being called the genius? I love the name because it puts the participant into the shoes of an actual member already so they can basically feel like they can say hello, genius and suddenly that they’re with John or is the idea. And I have a feeling it is that anyone is a genius and Hello Genius brings out more of that genius inside of you, inside of every participant. Let’s talk about the name and the philosophy a little bit.
Till Janczukowicz:
That’s the idea. The idea is there is this very famous NASA experiment from the late sixties where the NASA said we want more creative people working for NASA. And there was an experiment where they’re testing a group of 1,600 people over a period of time. And it turned out that the criteria that were applied to the fact somebody is a genius were in a way that the five years old, 92% of the five years old were falling into the criteria that defined genius. It was 30%, 30% of the 12 years old, 12% of the 18 years old and 2% of the adults.
And there is this famous saying of Picasso who said, “Everybody is an artist. The question is just how to remain an artist when growing up”. And I think there is so much truth in this and it says a lot about the charm, the honesty of children who don’t see problems. And there is this very nice analogy, I don’t know who said this, if you put your life in the chart and all of our life is about business and improving numbers now if you look at the chart of your life, is it going up happiness wise or is it going down? Okay, so very important question. And why is it that children make everybody laugh? You are in a train, you are in a plane, you see children, the children make us laugh. And I think many, many artists I’ve had the privilege to meet, they kept kind of the curious childish attitude.
Being curious, being open-minded is super important and I’m totally convinced that everybody has this potential. But there is this very nice saying that life is best described as a series of daring explorations from a secure base, a series of daring explorations from a secure base. And the secure base is probably the group of people you are growing up with, your parents, your brothers and sisters, your family, grandparents, friends and so on and so on. And if you have a group of people, if you have an environment that inspires you to pursue your passion, to follow your instinct, great, but many don’t have this.
But the beautiful thing is you can start that any time in your life. We have all these things now about the plasticity of the brain stuff. We didn’t know anything about 25 years ago, but if you look at neurology and all this huberman and all these great people really started to explain what’s happening in the brain in a way that we all can understand it. There’s so much evidence that we can do so many things in our life and this is exactly what we want to do. We believe in heterogeneous, everybody has this genius opportunity within, but you probably ought to meet some people who have unlocked this potential. And this is again what I said initially when we started our conversation, I had the privilege to meet many artists and they very often behave a little bit differently. They think differently. And for many people it’s not logical and it’s not consistent, but from their perspective they’re very logical and that’s how you achieve stuff by probably thinking differently and doing things that not the mass is doing.
But what you are really convinced of, you do it yourself. And when I can meet these people and I can talk with ’em, if I can ask them a question, the most unimportant details have the power to transform your life. And I give you an example, there was one of the greatest pianists ever Sviatoslav Richter, a Russian pianist. And when I met him, he had a little book them with numbers and there was a very old book and there were many, many numbers. And he said, well what is this book? I said, well this is not very nice, this is not really beautiful. And said, what is it? Well, it says 7,458, what does it mean? Well I should practice every day eight hours, but those are the hours I haven’t practiced over the last 10 years. And imagine something like this. Everybody has his routines. There are many writers, many actors. How do you learn a script? How do you write a book? How do you compose a piece? Everybody has this very subjective own rituals. But if you see this, you can say, oh wow, this is something probably that people would consider ridiculous, but it is not ridiculous. It leads to genius. So these little things that are highly inspiring,
Fabian Geyrhalter:
It absolutely is. And I mean look, I have you on this show and it is extremely inspiring and that’s why I do what I do too because it’s like you never know who is going to drop an idea or a thought or like some habit talking about habits that you suddenly, you suddenly start adopting and maybe even 10% of it, but it changes your trajectory, your creative trajectory and creativity is so important to keep that spark. And like you said, once life happens, it stops. And how can you keep that spark? And it is dangerous, it is scary to do things that are not immediately monetizable, but it does so much more for your life. So all of that said, how do you create this group? Do you have a cap on how many people can join? Is there an application or is it basically swipe your credit card? How does it work?
Till Janczukowicz:
At the beginning? This is a kind of soft launch we are doing now with the first course and we have of course conversation with mentors who have a huge social media reach. We have, I dunno, a one digit or two digit million number of followers. They posted once the call to actions coming from them. Also, we only work with people who really want to do it. So it’s important that a mentor really feels this is something I have to do. I want to pass on my knowledge tour to a limited group of people and we do it on a case by case basis. So the interesting thing is that many people say, oh, if there are more than 50 people probably it’s not going to be an intimate experience anymore. I can’t ask my questions. The reality has shown it is a community thing and it’s like going out in the night. If you go to a club and there are 50 people, okay, it’s a club with 50 people, but you prefer a club with 500 people because you may meet more people may have more fun.
And the logic here is a little bit different, which is a little bit similar, which is difficult to understand if you have not participated in this, you really have. And it was also very a challenge for me when founding how a genius speaking with my partners and it’ss a great group of people and my co-founders and team who are working on this. But the problem is until the two Will and Dan who were running the courses I mentioned earlier coming in, I was the only one who experienced these courses and now they’re in as well. But it’s really an experience one has to witness in order to understand how it is. And there are courses where you can have 90 people, there are courses where you can have 500 people. There are also be courses where you may probably have only 12 people. It depends on the vertical.
Fabian Geyrhalter:
I totally understand that. And it is very early and I’m sure it’s going to be only also a lot of tests, but that assumption that you got to cap it at a hundred in order for it to be a tightly knit community. I also object to that because I do agree that sometimes I am mentoring for co-hosts at Founder Institute internationally and sometimes there are 30 people showing up and sometimes there’s 60 people showing up and sometimes there are 10 people showing up. The only thing that changes is the dynamic in the room, but the questions everyone gets to ask them and everyone gets answered, right? It’s not like it’s limiting your participation, it just creates a different dynamic, right? And one dynamic might be great for one certain host or mentor and one might be better for another. Alright, well Till you knew this would be coming or I hope you knew, I dunno.
But remember this idea of brand DNA that every brand, okay, perfect. Yes, my listeners do too, so I don’t need to repeat too much, but I did go back into my scripts and I remember that for IDAGIO, the one word that was the brand DNA was belonging. Which is interesting because this is very close to belonging too. But what is that one word that, and I would say since the brand hasn’t even launched yet, which is amazing because I never have anyone like that on the show, but what is that one word that you would love to have? Hello Genius become synonymous with over time?
Till Janczukowicz:
Probably I would say mentorship. We were, I mean, and you as a brand expert this and we had, I have to say one of my co-founders and a good friend Fabian, he’s a super creative, he was working for Germany’s biggest airline for 12 years. He did the global campaign. So he’s also the guy coming up who came up with the name, Hello Genius. My name was,
Fabian Geyrhalter:
It’s Fabian Fabian’s, a genius, what shall I say? It’s very logical.
Till Janczukowicz:
That’s how it works. That’s why I have to mention this. Absolutely. And he made an exercise on the name and so on and so on. And we were thinking of how to coordinate what we want and then we say yes, it’s knowledge, we give access to knowledge and we give access to people. But what we do, in fact, we give access to people with knowledge and those people who have the knowledge pass it on directly. But they are not trained teachers, they’re not professors, there are no academics. They don’t know so much about what to do. They couldn’t give you a theoretical lesson in some cases what to do. But they show you how to do it because they’re practitioners. And I think this is very important and therefore this one word I think mentorship. Because as a mentor you connect access to exceptional personalities with access to exceptional knowledge.
I think this is the key, and this is where I believe mentorship. And there’s one other thing and I don’t want to make it too philosophical now, but at the very end, what is it? What distinguishes our species from others is that we have the capacity and we have developed the ability to pass on what we know to others. And this made us who we are today as a human race in the good sense and in the bad sense. But we have this, and I think this is the most human thing to pass on knowledge from A to B. And this is really the core here.
Fabian Geyrhalter:
Yeah, no, absolutely. It is a mentorship doesn’t sound like on a scale of one to 10, it’s not a 10 as far as an inspirational brand word, but it is very much of what is happening. And I would argue that a lot of your quote competitors couldn’t really claim that because mentorship is actually, it’s very personal and it runs pretty deep and it is very open and extremely transparent and that can only happen in a certain environment. And I am really, really excited to see what you’re building and how you’re building it. And again, talking about a brand that hasn’t even launched yet, but the way that you’re preparing for it and hearing you speak about these plans, it is absolutely magnificent. And I can’t wait to see Hello Genius grow. How can people participate? How can they follow? Hello Genius, where do you want them to go?
Till Janczukowicz:
Hello-genius.com. So we are there, we exist and it’s very interesting. I remember very well when you had our investors for IDAGIO, they say, well don’t invest in the brand, don’t invest in the brand, go for the product, no investment in the brand. No. And we did this here. Very, very, very lean. Really super lean I have to say. But we were really investing a lot of time and money in working with super branding guys because I think it’s so important to say what you are talking about, why you talk about and there must be a reason and there must be a reason why people should dedicate, I dunno, 3, 5, 7 seconds of their attention to us. And if you don’t know that, if we can’t say it in a word, it’s useless because it’s so noisy outside there. And this is why I’m very happy that the way you see it, because you are really investing a lot in consideration of the brand here because I think that’s super important today.
Fabian Geyrhalter:
Absolutely. And you can witness it, you can feel it. Even though Hello Genius is really not anywhere yet. I mean it is on the website, you can see it on LinkedIn, but you go to social, you don’t see much. It’s really, let’s put it this way, you heard it here first people, it’s like this is your in to get into Hello Genius before others. I have a feeling this is going to be a really, really exciting brand in the future. And I wish you the best of luck with it. I hope that people are going to start following your brand and start joining. And I for one, am really excited to see your roster coming up throughout the next 12 months. So Till with that, thank you so much for being the inaugural second time guest on Hitting the Mark. We really appreciate it.
Till Janczukowicz:
Wonderful. Great pleasure and super conversation. Very, very exciting, inspiring. Thank you.
Fabian Geyrhalter:
Till Janczukowicz and Hello Genius. What a way to start off this year. I hope you enjoyed this episode as much as I have my chat with Till. And if so, subscribe to the show. Please rate it and share the show with once who you think can benefit of the brand thinking and might want to get to know Hello Genius or chat with John Malkovich.