Tag Archives: Showcase


ArdentCode Brand Strategy

The core strategy for the re-branding of this leading team of seasoned developers, solution architects, analysts and designers from Poland was derived in a one-day, in-person, Resonaid brand platform session in Los Angeles. The focus quickly turned to the company’s admirable culture. 3 supporting brand pillars were established, which educated the naming strategy and the icon design. The strategy work further created clarity in positioning and messaging and after a successful re-launch event held in Poland, Fabian Geyrhalter, Principal of FINIEN remained on board with ArdentCode as an executive brand strategist.

ArdentCode Naming

Contour Technology, as ArdentCode was named for 16 years, knew its name had to hone in on the brand’s newly defined pillars of ‘Connect/Lead/Deliver’ while standing apart from other software development firms in the U.S. and Europe. Using the rare word ‘ardent,’ we encapsulate ‘connection and leadership’ while adding the very to-the-point word ‘code,’ which further infuses a subliminal second meaning: a tightly knit team that is swearing by its work and sticks together as if they are using their unique communication channel.

ArdentCode Identity

Minimalistic design language is used to allude professionalism while remaining elegant. Movement directs the eye towards the round icon, which is dotted to represent a chain of connection and algorithmic precision. Three points were highlighted with ArdentCode red to emulate the company’s drive to ‘Connect, Lead, Deliver’, which also visually connects to create the letterform ‘A’ for Ardent.

Working with Fabian and team FINIEN on our re-branding journey was like putting on glasses for the first time: Everything became clearer, had more focus and appeared more colorful.

– Peter Dulak





Mister Maginsky

Mister Maginsky Brand Strategy

Introducing a patented innovation to a product that has not seen major disruptions in decades made this brand launch trickier than others. Through a Resonaid™ Brand Foundation workshop help by Principal Fabian Geyrhalter in Vienna, the positioning was established: We believe that male underwear should be logical and geared towards the male anatomy, which is why today, our underwear is different. It separates and thereby liberates, what has always been separated by nature yet barbarically trapped by human fashion. To establish this positioning we needed to create a brand with a unique voice and identity that was just as bold and authoritative as the brand vision.

Mister Maginsky Naming and Tagline

We crafted a person to reflect the wisdom and particular need for organization. Meet Mister Maginsky, the mentor you never had, the father-figure you want to sip whiskey with, the man that re-invented underwear, magically so. Order, notes Mister Maginsky, equals hygiene, and both should be top priorities in every gentleman’s life. “You’re welcome” became the brand sign-off on all brand communications.

Mister Maginsky Identity

Mister Maginsky is the brand, the voice, the character and the inspiration. The signature logo is a reflection of him: bold, calculated, articulate and free-flowing. The thick stroke signifies his bold confidence. As if it were dipped and signed in fresh ink, the logo portrays the importance of craft and authenticity within the brand. The black and white nature of the designs boldly disrupt an industry known for color and fanciful imagery while adding a seriousness to the innovative functionality that Mister Maginsky represents.

We were so satisfied with their service we’ve offered them partnership in the project.

– Denis Kosor






Luminora Brand Strategy

Luminora™ creates high-quality sun-protective clothing for women who value freedom. Freedom to love. Freedom to choose. Freedom to be their authentic selves. Luminora believes the sun is not to be feared, but a force of nature and a gift to be thoughtfully embraced. Through our brand strategy workshop, held in Miami, we worked with the Co-Founders to derive Luminora’s brand philosophy, which resulted in the mantra of ‘enjoying your moments in the sun.’ A simple thought that perfectly captured the essence of the brand, its key value proposition and the resulting emotions a customer feels from wearing one of Luminora’s patented fabrics at times – memorable moments – of pure relaxation and bliss.

Luminora Naming And Tagline

The name luminora™ is derived from the Latin word “Lumin“(light) and the Greek word “Dora“(gift), composing the “Gift of Light“. True to its name, luminora believes the sun is not to be feared, but a gift of light to be enjoyed and embraced thoughtfully hence the inviting tagline “Embrace your moments in the sun.” We further extended the name into the patented luminology™ fabric for a consistent brand architecture.

Luminora Identity

The eye within the logotype symbolizes protection over mankind and ’the all-seeing-eye.’ The golden rays surrounding the icon showcase sun rays – spreading protection from the inside out, which is the essence of the luminora brand: To protect your skin so you can enjoy your moments in the sun. The colors of luminora represent the tropical waters, sun, and sand – the scenery in which luminora clothes are mostly worn.





FILES.com Brand Strategy

When Action Verb contacted us to spin off its organization, collaboration, and file logistics cloud platform into its own brand, they already secured the powerful name Files.com. During a one-day Resonaid brand workshop, for which the remote client team congregated in our Long Beach, CA, office, we crafted the soul of an otherwise transaction-oriented site, used by over 2,000 enterprises and SMBs, including Target, UPS, Leica, DirecTV, GoPro, and Marriott. ‘Files are things that matter’ became a theme and the mission statement amplified that sentiment: ‘We are on a mission to empower you to unlock the potential of your files through secure tools for organization and collaboration in order to propel your productivity and accomplishments.’ Because humans are creators and creations deserve to live and be shared. Weaponed with Files.com’s Brand DNA of ‘clarity,’ we went out to set that idea into a visual manifestation in the form of a multi-faceted, powerful icon.

FILES.com Identity

The FILES.com identity design uses an iconic pinwheel to symbolize the constant movement of propelling productivity, collaboration, and organization within the could platform. Simple triangle shapes are a subtle nod to the shape of a corner document fold. An all caps bold sans serif font was matched with the friendly icon to provide confidence and stability within the identity. Bold reds were chosen not only for the representation of leadership, courage, and determination but to strategically stand out in a sea of blue competitors. No shade of red is alike to further represent the diverse documents and users that files.com secures.





APARAVI Brand Strategy

APARAVI, a Santa Monica-based data retention solution provider, reached out to us to define their brand platform. Through our one-day brand strategy workshop, we defined the brand’s core values and identified core messaging points, such as the company’s belief in ‘zero-button’ data retention and compliance. The findings created messaging clarity, focus and were used to build company culture. For us, the findings were key to crafting the name and brand identity in the subsequent phases of our engagement.

Aparavi Naming and Tagline

The word apparavi is Latin for prepare, fit out, make ready, equip and provide. We shortened the word by a letter for future name recognition and ease of spelling and by doing so we successfully secured an ownable name. APARAVI is memorable and tells a story that describes the offering without being so descriptive to not allow for any pivots or future brand extensions. The tagline “Zero Button. Zero Worries.” made the brand strategy actionable to a B2B audience.

Aparavi Identity

The APARAVI brand identity design revolves around its icon representing data storage; the mark has the flexibility to change in between two states, which showcase open-format (open state) and security (closed state). The orange top right corner hints towards not only the APARAVI ‘A,’ thereby connecting it to the type treatment of the brand name, but also the expandable, open storage formats and tiers of access that APARAVI is designed for. The orange line that extends across the letter A of APARAVI symbolizes the ability to easily manage user and data access through the software.

If you are looking for a ‘no BS’ branding agency that delivers, stop looking. Fabian and his team are amazing!

– Adrian Knapp

Chairman & CEO





Elevise Brand Strategy

Elevise is a pre-launch startup in the business insurance space. Through our proprietary brand strategy workshop, we identified the friendly characteristics of a disruptive brand. We discovered the key differentiator being approachability and hands-on, as well as 24/7 advice provided to the brand’s multiple audiences. The name and brand identity was to speak to these core findings while enhancing the positioning. [As a pre-launch startup we are restricted in the strategy information we are able to currently share]

Elevise Naming

We combined key words that will define the brand, while crafting a story to its audience: A wise brand that will advise its customers in order to elevate not only their job, their life, but the industry as a whole. We ensured domain name and key social handle availability while clearing the trademark. A disruptive company deserved a name that could do all that while allowing for a brand character and provoking an action; an action derived from a coined term. Not a bad way to start up.


Elevise Identity

Weaponed with a solid brand strategy and distinct name, the Elevise identity was crafted to represent the company’s personality of a friend and joker. The smile represents the triumph and delight Elevise will bring to its users and customers. The first and last letters (‘e’) of the word ‘elevise’ face each other to impersonate a conversation between both parties. The distinct color purple was chosen for its symbolism of wisdom, independence and ambition. The freestanding ‘ele’ character enables the brand identity design to quickly turn into an icon that is as lovable as it is scalable. For a brand that was defined to be friendly and approachable in an otherwise cold (and old) business landscape, ‘ele’ is the preview of what the Elevisers (as the friendly team out on the field has been dubbed) will provide. Convinced of the company, and swayed by the brand, FINIEN’s Principal Fabian Geyrhalter jumped on board as a founding member.

From our initial meeting through the presentations, the FINIEN team’s carefully considered solutions to the myriad issues we face as a startup venture have been invaluable. We look upon them as both a solid contributor and proactive member of our senior management team and are looking forward to forging a long-term relationship with them.

– Richard Wise





Wind River Foundation

Wind River Foundation Identity

The Wind River Foundation brand identity design is carefully crafted to remain neutral to both tribes and to signify strength and heritage. The icon celebrates the return of the bison to the Wind River Reservation, which has deep cultural significance. The bison represents strength, survival, adaptability, respect, honor, and perseverance, but the icon also hints at a modern locator pin, signifying that the Foundation is location-based. Through its positive upward motion, it shows the impact the Foundation strives to have on the community. The bold, thick, and all-upper-case typography underlines the strength of the community and Foundation alike. The earth-toned color palette was picked to represent the land and its nurturing river.

Wind River Foundation Tagline

Talking to a diverse group of audiences, from tribe members to donors and the government, WRF required an all-encompassing tagline that was actionable and empowering. “To inspire, facilitate, and support” describes the complex platform WRF provides in such a swift manner that it serves double-duty as an elevator pitch.



Legacy Classic Trucks

Legacy Classic Trucks Brand Strategy

Legacy Classic Trucks are bespoke restored power wagons – just ask Jay Leno; he knows. As part of this remote brand strategy workshop for Legacy, we dived deep into the emotional connections 25- to 65-year old men have with their immaculately restored Legacy power wagons – ‘the kings of trucks.’ An expensive and masterfully crafted object of desire, together with Legacy’s founder we pointed the emotional connection with the brand back to meaningful outdoor experiences, a sense of personal empowerment, and a deeper connection to tradition. Through our one-day session we defined the robust nature of the product through core values and brand personality while identifying the emotional need of the audience for authentic experiences in the outdoors.

Legacy Classic Trucks Identity

Based on the brand strategy for this power wagon restoration company, we created an impactful mark that represents the core values of durability, strength, and American heritage. A grizzly bear was chosen to symbolize power, strength, and knowledge. The gray gradient is used to resemble a strong steel-like quality. The negative space within the bear creates lightning bolts to emphasize the ‘absurdly powerful experiences’ while using the product. The typeface was chosen for its chiseled features and bold characteristics. A mark that is as iconic and bold as it is ensuring to remain timeless. All while looking darn sexy on those wheels.






CO-OP Financial Services’ machine learning platform is designed to detect and fight fraud faster than ever before. The COOPER identity shape was derived from the CO-OP brand mark to instill familiarity and connection. Multiple lines make up the shape to emphasize COOPER’s multi-level approach to utilizing machine learning and AI. The thumbprint metaphor showcases customization as well as security. Lines open in various areas with rounded edges to bring an organic, human feel to the mark.



CO-OP THINK Brand Identity Suite

CO-OP THINK Brand Identity Suite

As part of our ongoing creative brand strategy engagement with CO-OP Financial Services, we were tasked to craft an overarching suite of brand identities for the inspiring THINK program: THINK – the year-round online thought leadership hub, THINK Review – The Magazine for Credit Union Intrapreneurs, THINK Prize – The innovation challenge, and last but not least the annual THINK Conference. Each stands tall on its own, while easily identifiable as a brand family.